‘I think about this show all the time. It has totally changed the way I think about colonialism, direct action and English nationalism. Thinking about it today, four years after seeing the show, it’s clear it was a life changing event for me.‘ Monique
‘Everyone should see this show’ George Monbiot

Three Acres And A Cow connects the Norman Conquest and Peasants’ Revolt to contemporary issues via the Enclosures and Industrial Revolution, drawing a compelling narrative through the people’s history of England in folk song, story and poem. Come and share in these tales as they have been shared for generations.
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“Changing the story isn’t enough in itself, but has often been foundational to real change. Making an injury visible and public is usually the first step in remedying it, and political change often follows culture, as what was long tolerated is seen to be intolerable, or what was overlooked becomes obvious.” Rebecca Solnit

“Stories are the secret reservoir of values… change the stories individuals and nations live by and tell themselves, and we change the individuals and the nations. If they tell themselves stories that are lies they will suffer the future consequences. If they tell themselves stories that face their own truths they will free their histories for future flowering.” Ben Okri