How to book a show

We’ve performed in churches, theatres, village halls, pubs, squats, festivals, farms, a boat factory and more. Please drop us an email if you are interested in hosting a show and we’ll arrange a time to call you back.

If you are suggesting a theatre or arts venue for us to perform at, it often works best if you write to them directly to let them know you’d like to see the show and they will contact us if interested.

If you don’t feel able to put on a show yourself, perhaps reach out to local groups who would have the ability to host a performance, or you can always get a few friends together and do a sing/read through of the show yourselves.

We normally perform to audiences of 80-200 people paying £8-15, depending on venue size, any room hire costs, our travel expenses and whether the show is subsidised by the host or host group.

Where possible a pre-show shared meal is lovely and if space allows having stalls for local groups with connections to land, food and farming, migration, politics and campaigning, can lead to some useful connections being made.